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Fat Injections
A Surgical Alternative For A Permanent Facial Filler To Soften The Signs Of Aging
Doctors MedSpa in Little Rock offers surgical fat injections to the face by Dr. Gene Sloan.
Fat injections are a minimally invasive surgical procedure in which fat is removed from the abdomen, hips, or thighs and injected into the face. It becomes cost-effective when larger volumes of filler are required.
Fat Injections:
- Have been used for many years and are becoming even more popular as the techniques become more refined.
- Are excellent for restoring facial volume lost in the aging process.
- Result in about 50% of the fat “taking” to form a permanent facial graft. The fat that “takes” is permanent.
- May require multiple procedures to achieve the desired volume, or may be supplemented with other dermal fillers.
Ask Dr. Mimi Lee and Dr. Gene Sloan about special, limited-time offers.