Over time, the natural aging process can significantly impact the look and structure of an individual’s neck and jawline. This is often evident in the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, and excess fat deposits. Neck lift surgery is typically performed on individuals who are dissatisfied with these cosmetic issues, in addition to lost elasticity and loose muscle banding in their neck. This procedure can help enhance the contours of a patient’s jawline and reduce those noticeable signs of aging for a more rejuvenated profile.
At Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Gene Sloan, MD regularly performs neck lift surgery to address aesthetic concerns. In addition to providing natural-looking and high-quality results, he strives to educate patients on all parts of the procedure process, including the recovery period.
Below, Dr. Sloan details what you should know about recovering from neck lift surgery.
1. Swelling Can Be Managed
Swelling is a common side effect during the recovery process. While this feeling is typically temporary, it can often be managed and reduced. You can minimize and manage swelling by keeping your head elevated, wearing a compression garment under the chin, and using a cold compress. Other side effects such as bruising and discomfort can generally be managed with rest and pain medication.
2. Protect Your Skin
It is imperative to protect your skin following a neck lift, as skin is especially vulnerable right after surgery. Some ways you can do this are by avoiding direct sun exposure, wearing wide-brimmed hats outside, and using sunscreen. Not protecting your skin may lead to prolonged swelling and uneven skin pigmentation.
3. Limit Physical Activity
To help the healing process, it is often recommended that patients hold off on light, non-strenuous physical activity for at least two weeks. More vigorous exercise such as heavy lifting will likely need to be avoided for roughly four to six weeks. Participating in these types of activities can exacerbate swelling and negatively impact the recovery process.
4. Attend Follow-Up Appointments
It is important to attend your scheduled follow-up appointments after neck lift surgery. These visits help with monitoring healing, identifying any complications that may arise, and ensuring optimal results are being achieved. Follow-up appointments also provide an opportunity to adjust your post-operative care plan as needed and address any concerns or questions you may have.
Being well-informed on all steps of the neck lift process can help you feel more confident in your plastic surgery decisions. To learn more about this procedure, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sloan, please contact our practice today.